Past Webinars

10 Basic Financial Steps for Special Needs Parents with Sophie Schroyer and Dianne Machinist

ABLE Accounts 101 with Colleen Davis

Behavior Workshop with Dr. Lina Patel

Behavior Workshop with Stacy Taylor

Brain Train Workshop with Dr. Brian Skotko

DHSS Respite Webinar with Stacy Watkins and Lynda Lord

Estate Planning with Paul O’Brien

Financial Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs with Pat Bergmaier

Getting Benefits & Riding the Benefits Train with Alexandra Baig

Getting Down to It: Navigating Puberty and Periods

Grief Presentation with Rose Reif

Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney and Supportive Decision Making with Paul O’Brien, Esq. and Alexandra McFassel, Esq.

Housing Presentation with Board Member Ed Gootzait

Inclusion in the Curriculum part 1 with Nicole Eredics

Inclusion in the Curriculum part 2 with Nicole Eredics

Independence with Dr. Lina Patel

Medicaid Lifespan Waiver Info Session with Christina O’Connor

Medicaid Workshop with Ann Phillips from DE Family Voices

Mental Health Webinar with Dr. Lina Patel

Partner Organizations for DSA Families

Promoting Healthy Living While Stuck at Home with Mary Stephens

Promoting Mental Wellness in Teens/Adults with Down Syndrome with Dr. Brian Chicoine

Social Security 101 with Matthew Baxter

Special Education Advocacy with Jocelyn Trapani

The Road Ahead with Alexandra Baig

Working with Benefits & All About ABLE with Alexandra Baig